it is the business of a lawyer to plead the cause of his client 意味

  • 依頼人のために弁護するのは弁護士の本務である


        (lawyer's) client:    (lawyer's) client 弁護依頼人 べんごいらいにん
        plead a cause:    言い分を申し立てる、訴訟の理由を申し立てる
        lawyer client relationship:    
        lawyer-client relationship:    弁護士{べんごし}と依頼人{いらいにん}の関係{かんけい}
        business client:    ビジネスクライアント
        ask a lawyer for his opinion:    弁護士に意見を仰ぐ
        exchange business cards with a client:    来客{らいきゃく}と名刺{めいし}を交換{こうかん}する
        hire a lawyer for a business matter:    業務上{ぎょうむじょう}の問題{もんだい}で弁護士{べんごし}を雇う
        plead:     plead v. 弁論する, 弁護する; 弁解する; 嘆願する. 【副詞1】 plead eloquently in favor of… …のためにとうとうと弁護する He pleaded fervently for mercy. 必死になって慈悲を懇願した. 【+前置詞】 plead against the oppression その圧迫に対して抗
        plead for:    ~のために弁論する、弁護する
        plead to:    (人)に懇願{こんがん}[嘆願{たんがん}]する
        to plead:    to plead 申し立てる もうしたてる
        to plead for:    to plead for 庇う かばう
        ask someone his business:    (人)に用向き{ようむき}を尋ねる
        assist someone in his business:    (人)の事業{じぎょう}を手伝う[助ける]


  1. "it is the aim of pko to halt all this destruction" 意味
  2. "it is the axis around which the solar system revolves" 意味
  3. "it is the background of mountains that lends enchantment to the view" 意味
  4. "it is the belief of many scientists that immediate action must be taken to stop global warming" 意味
  5. "it is the biggest breakthrough in insulin research in 70 years" 意味
  6. "it is the business of the police to enforce the laws" 意味
  7. "it is the civil servants who really run the city, not the politicians" 意味
  8. "it is the clear responsibility of every citizen to vote" 意味
  9. "it is the contrast of light and shadow that makes his painting so effective" 意味
  10. "it is the belief of many scientists that immediate action must be taken to stop global warming" 意味
  11. "it is the biggest breakthrough in insulin research in 70 years" 意味
  12. "it is the business of the police to enforce the laws" 意味
  13. "it is the civil servants who really run the city, not the politicians" 意味

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